The Controller of Communication Accounts has come out with an online Pension Calculator for pre-01-01-2006 Pensioners following the recommendations of the Sixth Pay Commission. Wikipedia on Sixth Pay Commission

One can access the online calculator on this link (Opens in a New Window)
-- How to Fill the details on the form:
o Current Pay Scale (Optional): This item is for the Pay Scale of the post held on the date of retirement / death, which was as per the 5th Central Pay Commission. If you are not aware of the pay scale, it can be ignored. This pay scale is required to arrive at the minimum pension admissible based on the 50% of the minimum of the Pay Band under the 6th CPC.
o Current Pension (Gross) (Compulsory): This item is for the pension authorized on the PPO, inclusive of the commuted portion. Dearness pension should not be added if the retirement is prior to 01/04/2004. For retirements after 01/04/2004, the DP having been added while computing the pension, the gross pension shall include the DP.
o Commuted Value (Optional): Refers to the portion of pension commuted by you. Please do not validate this input if the commuted portion is already restored as on 01/01/2006. If it is restored after 01/01/2006, this input is COMPULSORY.
o Date of Restoration (Optional): This input is required if the restoration of commuted portion, (ie if 15 years has passed after the date of commutation) falls between the arrear period 01/01/2006 to 31/08/2008.
o Date of Birth of Pensioner (Compulsory): This input is required to determine the age of the pensioner, based on which additional pension is to be allowed. This input is compulsory.
o Date of Retirement / Death (Compulsory): This input determines the fitment to be adopted viz if the date of retirement / death is on or after 01/04/2004, it assumes that the current pension includes the DP element otherwise, the current pension is exclusive of DP and accordingly the fitment is done. This input is compulsory.
o General: The Dearness relief rates are applied on the gross pension both on the "due" side and the "drawn" side, as applicable from time to time. The calculation is only indicative and it is observed during evaluation that there is a minor error in rounding off to an extent of Re.1/-, and the additional pension is computed from the first of the month following the date of birth on which the age of 80/85/90 is attained - the errors are under debugging. Inconvenience is regretted.
Now click on Get Arrears detail and you will get the details.
Here are the other related links on the Sixth pay Commission Recommendations and the government orders on the same.
New Pay Band of Defence Force Officers: Sixth Pay Commission
Sixth Pay Commission: Armed Forces Pay panel Grieviences
Link: Revised Pay Scale IAS (Administrative) IFS (Foreign) Officers: Sixth Pay Commission
Link: New Revised Pay Scale Indian Police Services IPS : Sixth Pay Commission
Link To: Maternity Leave, Child Care Leave: Sixth Pay Commission
Link To:LTC Leave Travel Concession Recommendations: Sixth Pay Commission
Link To:Special Allowance for child care for women with Disabilities
Link: Sixth Pay Commission: Income Tax on Pay Arrears
State Wise Salary Hike details are covered in the links of the article: State Wise Salary Hike Details of Sixth Pay Commission. Please refer to the article and click on your respective state wise link for news and other information.
Link To: Dearness Allowance: Sixth Central Pay Commission Recommendation
Link To: Revised Pay Scales, New Pay Bands Finalized by the Government
Link To: Sixth Pay Commission: Perks, Arrears, Increments & Key Points
1 comment:
My dear,
1. please let me know entitlement of basic pension w.e.f. 01 Jan 2006 for pre 2006 pensioners of the rank of Lt. Col., which is now in pay band 4 and calculations as to how, you did it. Pl also let me know the arrearers I will get.
2. Please let me know the revised basic pension of re-employed officer after 6th CPC, whose last pay drawn was 17100/- in the pay scale of 14300-18300and retired after rendering 10.5 years of service, along with details of calculations. Pl also let me know the arrearers I will get.
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