How many employees will be laid off by Vodafone?
There could be around 500 layoffs by the Vodafone organization. This will be all across UK.
What is the total no. of employees of Vodafone?
Total No. of employees of Vodafone is around 10,000 as of now.
Which locations will be affected by the Vodafone Job Cuts?
There are 170 job cuts in headquarters at Newbury. Remaining job cuts will be made all across the country.
When will the Vodafone layoffs happen?
Some employees have already been asked to leave, while some others will be laid off in the span of next 6 weeks.
How much savings can be made by the company from the layoffs?
The annual operating costs are expected to be reduced by £1 billion by 2011.
What is the primary reasons for Vodafone layoffs?
Major reason are the challenging economic conditions. The layoffs are done in a bid to reduce costs.
Any other news about Vodafone layoffs
As per getreading, HR director Matthew Brearley said: "We would be making organisational changes anyway, but it might not have been to the same extent."Customers are being much more prudent, businesses and big organisations are saving money."What we do know is the recession has made more difficult what is already a tough, competitive market. "We’re not closing any function, operation or location. It is at all levels and is not targeted at any particular level.
Let's hope that alternative jobs are available to the affected employees of Vodafone Layoffs Job Cut
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