Spread over many other articles, we have tried to give our review of which ETF or Exchange traded funds are good. In this article, we attempt to summarize the same in a single article and also provide links to individual article which you may like to go through.
If you are looking for investments in the Solar Eenrgy Sector, then look no further than the Solar ETF. Though there are many solar etf's available for trading in the market, we have covered the below mentioned ones:
Solar ETFs:
KWT ETF: Market Vectors Solar Energy ETF: Van Eck Global Solar Energy ETF
TAN ETF: Claymore MAC Global Solar Energy ETF
If your interest is investments in Wind Energy Sector, then you can opt for investment and trading in the Wind ETF. We have covered the following Wind ETF:
PowerShares Global Wind Energy Portfolio Wind ETF
FAN ETF First Trust ISE Global Wind Energy Index Fund
If you are concerned about the environment and want your investments to improve along with the environment, then go ahead for investments in the Clean Tech ETF:
Clean Tech ETF: PowerShares Cleantech Portfolio ETF
Then, we also covered some of the Natural Resources Mutual Funds in the following article:
Natural Resources Mutual Funds
Socially Responsible Mutual Funds SRI:
Socially Responsible Mutual Funds SRI
Renewable Energy Mutual Funds
Renewable Energy Mutual Funds
Green Investments & Mutual Funds
Green Investing: Green Investments and Green Mutual Funds
Alternative Energy Mutual Funds
Alternative Energy Mutual Funds & Alternative Energy Funds Investment Performance Index
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